Broad Institutional Support for 2nd Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference

Published on
July 18, 2017

The second Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network on February 26-28, 2018 in Ottawa, Canada has received broad institutional support by major Internet Governance-related organizations and the Government of Canada: 

High-Level Advisory Group

A high-level Advisory Group has been formed to help the Secretariat of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network to identify relevant participants, structure the preparatory process, and shape the agenda of the 2018 Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference. Reflecting the multistakeholder nature of the Conference, the Advisory Group is composed of members of governments, international organizations, Internet platforms, academia, civil society, and the technical community. Additional information about the conference, as well as short biographies for each of the Advisory Group members can be found on the official conference website.

Sunil Abraham

VP, Leadership Programs

Mozilla Foundation

FIona Alexander

Associate Administrator for International Affairs

United States, Department of Commerce NTIA

Maria Ines Baqué

Secretary of Innovation

Ministry of Modernization, Argentina

Carl Bildt

Former Swedish Prime Minister

Edmon Chung


DotAsia Organisation

Anriette Esterhuysen

Director of Policy and Strategy

Association for Progressive Communications

Benedicto Fonseca Filho

Director, Scientific and Technological Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil

Kelly Gillis

Associate Deputy Minister

Innovation, Science and Economic Development, Canada

Byron Holland

President and CEO

Canadian Internet Registry Authority (CIRA)

Jane Horvath

Senior Director, Global Privacy


Tarek Kamel

Senior Vice President


Mark Lange

Director, EU Institutional Relations


David Kaye

UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression

United Nations

Frank La Rue

Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information


Wonki Min

Deputy Minister

Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Republic of Korea

Gulshan Rai

National Cybersecurity Coordinator

India, Prime Minister’s Office

Nicolas de Rivière

Director General for Political Affairs and Security

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, France

Stefan Schnorr

Director General, Digital and Innovation Politics

Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Germany

Carlos Affonso Souza


Institute for Technology and Society Rio

Sally Shipman Wentworth

Vice President of Global Policy Development

Internet Society