Internet & Jurisdiction in the Media
Press inquiries to the Secretariat of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network may be directed to

Der Tagesspiegel
2020-06-17Ein Menschenrechts-Update für das Internet
Article in Der Tagesspiegel mentions the multistakeholder approach of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network as an example of how to make digital public policy in the 21st century.

2019-11-29The Global Internet Is Splintering Apart and No-One Is Patching It Up
Fortune writes about the launch of the world's first Internet & Jurisdiction Global Status Report 2019 at the UN Internet Governance Forum in Berlin.

Le Monde
2019-06-28Le vertigineux projet de « cour suprême » de Facebook sur la modération des contenus
Article in Le Monde on Facebook’s independent content oversight board quotes I&J Executive Director Bertrand de La Chapelle.

2019-05-15Christchurch Call
In an interview with Euronews Tonight, I&J Deputy Executive Director comments the Christchurch Call and highlights the need for multistakeholder collaboration.

The New York Times
2019-04-12The Week in Tech: We Might Be Regulating the Web Too Fast
Article in the New York Times on online regulation features the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network and Deputy Director Paul Fehlinger.

World Economic Forum
2018-12-06It's Time to Strengthen Global Digital Cooperation
Article by former President of Switzerland and UN High Level Panel Member about the digital transformation mentions the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network as a key initiative that strengthens cooperation.

2018-11-15Internet Governance Forum on the way to Berlin: More Regulation, but also less
German newspaper Heise writes about the outcomes of the 13th Internet Governance Forum in Paris and the way forward, mentioning the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network as an important actor in the process.

IT World Canada
2018-11-12France Calls for Nations to Condemn Malicious Cyber Activities at Opening of International Governance Forum
Article about the call for action announced at the Internet Governance Forum in Paris, mentioning the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network, the Ottawa Roadmap and the 3rd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network.

Business Standard
2018-10-04How Borderless Nature of Internet Makes Social Media Regulation Complicated
Article on global online content regulation mentions the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network as multistakeholder process to develop solution.

Política Exterior
2018-09-12Sustainable, Inclusive and Fair Digitalization
Article about digitalization challenges cites the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network as exemplary multistakeholder organization in leading Spanish-language international affairs magazine.

2018-09-03In Each Country You Get a Different Internet
Leading Dutch newspaper NRC writes about the risk of Internet fragmentation featuring the work of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network.

The Economist Intelligence Unit
2018-05-30Data and Its Discontents
EIU Thought Leadership series reports on the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network and its 2nd Global Conference, with a quote from Deputy Director Paul Fehlinger.

ITWorld Canada
2018-03-19Ottawa Conference Creates Roadmap Towards Internet Governance Amid Admissions There’s a Long Way to Go
Article on the 2018 Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network.

IEEE Internet Computing
2018-03-01Internet and Jurisdiction
Vint Cerf, Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google, writes about the 2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network and its role in framing and proposing possible solutions to Internet transborder problems.

2018-02-25The Internet Is Broken. Can This Group Fix It?
Feature about the 2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network and Deputy Director Paul Fehlinger.

Financial Times
2018-02-20Rebuild Internet Governance Now, Before It Is Too Late
Advisory Group Member Vint Cerf highlights the importance of the work of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network for the future of the cross-border Internet.

Washington Post
2018-01-30If Governments Can’t Make Nice on the Internet, They’ll Endanger All Of Us
Former OECD Deputy Secretary General Douglas Frantz writes about the importance of the 2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network.

2018-01-22Securing the Digital Transition
Advisory Group Member Carl Bildt calls upon stakeholders to avoid a legal arms race ahead of the 2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network.

2018-01-06Internet Governance Outlook 2018: Preparing for Cyberwar or Promoting Cyber Détente?
Renown intellectual Wolfgang Kleinwächter highlights the second Global Conference in his annual round-up of key Internet governance processes and events.

La Vanguardia
2017-11-23Los derechos digitales y avances tecnológicos centrarán el Foro de la Gobernanza de Internet en España
(Digital rights and technological advances will be at the center of the Internet Governance Forum in Spain) Article mentioning I&J Executive Director Bertrand de La Chapelle.

2017-10-31Big Tech’s Biggest Weakness Is its Biggest Strength
Article quoting Deputy Director Paul Fehlinger and citing the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network.

2017-05-28Expertos Abordan los Derechos Digitals de los Ciudadanos
(Experts Tackle Citizens' Digital Rights) Article describing the participation of I&J and others in a digital rights conference in Madrid.

France Culture
2017-05-24Le droit international dans le cyberespace nous ramène en 1648
(International Law in Cyberspace Brings Us Back to 1648) Article about Westphalian sovereignty in cyberspace citing I&J Executive Director Bertrand de La Chapelle.

2017-05-23Why Cross-Border Government Requests for Data Will Keep Becoming More Important
Article by Peter Swire about the challenges of digital evidence and MLA agreements citing I&J's Data & Jurisdiction program.

United Daily News
2016-12-30The War of the Right to be Forgotten and the Online Legal Arms Race
Taiwanese news source cites Internet & Jurisdiction and the "legal arms race" surrounding data jurisdiction, privacy protection, and digital trade.

Il Post
2016-11-26Internet si sta spezzettando
(The Internet is Fragmenting) Article mentioning the I&J Retrospect Database and the Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference.

2016-11-25How Discontent with the Effects of Globalization Split the Global Net
Russian article addressing globalization and Internet fragmentation with references to the I&J Retrospect Database.

The Economist
2016-11-21The Economist Explains: What is the "Splinternet"?
Article reporting on the Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference and the need for multistakeholder cooperation to preserve the cross-border Internet.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung
2016-11-20Das globale Internet ist bedroht
(The Global Internet is Threatened) Article mentioning the recent Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference and the work of I&J, including quotes from Paul Fehlinger.

The Economist
2016-11-05Lost in the Splinternet
Two-page feature about the work of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network citing its first Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference and Deputy Director Paul Fehlinger.

Fortune Magazine
2016-04-09Why Global Online Trade Is Threatened by a “Legal Arms Race”
Article about the I&J Report “Jurisdiction on the Internet” with quotes of co-founder Paul Fehlinger.

2016-04-04Daily Briefing on Politics and Cybersecurity
Politico’s cybersecurity briefing includes quotes from the I&J Paper, “Jurisdiction on the Internet."

Nouvel Observateur
2016-02-15La France insiste : oui, oui, elle peut taper Facebook
(France insists: yes, yes, it can slap Facebook) Article on French Courbet nude painting case quoting I&J's Bertrand de La Chapelle.

The Wire
2015-09-28Hits and Misses With the Draft Encryption Policy
Indian online news outlet calls for India to engage in multistakeholder cooperation through I&J.

France Culture
2015-09-21Qui peut décider de ce que l’on trouve sur Internet?
(Who can decide about what we find on the Internet?) Interview with Bertrand de La Chapelle about the right to be de-indexed.

Nouvel Observateur
2015-08-17Faut-il une Cour internationale de l’Internet?
(Do we need an international court for the Internet?) Interview with Bertrand de La Chapelle about I&J and the right to be de-indexed.

Internet Policy Review
2015-06-05Jurisdiction on the Net – Finding Practical Solutions
Article featuring Internet & Jurisdiction's participation in the 2015 EuroDIG.

2015-04-18International Cybercrime Law is Impractical
Article quoting Bertrand de La Chapelle during the Global Conference on Cyberspace.

Business Standard
2014-12-26Why Did India Fail to Discover the ISIS Twitter Handle?
Article citing the work of Internet & Jurisdiction.

France 24
2014-09-27Droit à l’oubli : les questions qui chiffonnent Google
(Right to be forgotten: the questions that worry Google) Article quoting Bertrand de La Chapelle, Director of Internet & Jurisdiction.

Digital News Asia
2014-09-05Post-Snowden Revelations, Action Still a Long Way Away
Article quoting Bertrand de La Chapelle, Director of Internet & Jurisdiction.

2014-07-15Localisation des données : qui protège quoi?
(Data Localization: Who protects what?) Article quoting Bertrand de La Chapelle.

2014-06-15Manuscript: Metropolis and Moloch
Article quoting Paul Fehlinger, Manager of Internet & Jurisdiction.

Internet Policy Review
2014-04-17Cyberspace Fragmentation: an Internet Governance Debate Beyond Infrastructure
Op-ed by Paul Fehlinger about the need for transnational cooperation.

2014-03-22Wer regiert demnächst das Internet?
(Who will govern the Internet?) Interview with Paul Fehlinger, Manager of Internet & Jurisdiction.

La Croix
2014-03-06Sur Internet, il faut penser l’innovation
(We need to think in an innovative way about the Internet) Interview with Bertrand de La Chapelle, Director of Internet & Jurisdiction.

2014-02-18Die Zukunft des Internets
(The future of the Internet) Radio broadcast citing Paul Fehlinger, Manager of Internet & Jurisdiction.

Die Presse
2014-02-18Datenschutz: Merkel will ein EU-„Internetz“
(Data Protection: Merkel wants a EU-Internet) Article citing Paul Fehlinger, Manager of Internet & Jurisdiction.

Die Zeit Online
2014-02-11Staaten nehmen das “Inter” aus dem Internet
(States remove the “Inter” from the Internet) Feature about Paul Fehlinger and the work of Internet & Jurisdiction.

Internet Policy Review
2014-02-11Cooperation Needed to Avoid Internet Fragmentation, Says European Commission
Op-ed by Bertrand de la Chapelle about the European Commission's support for multistakeholder approaches.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung
2014-02-09Das Ende des Internets – Staaten steigen aus dem Web aus
(The end of the Internet – States exit the Web) Article featuring Paul Fehlinger and the work of Internet & Jurisdiction.

2013-12-11Le débat sur la gouvernance d’Internet est trop manichéen
(The debate about Internet Governance is too black and white) Interview with Bertrand de la Chapelle.

The Next Web
2013-08-30Tech Pioneer Vint Cerf: The Age of Context and Why You Can’t Be a Citizen of the Internet
Interview with Vint Cerf citing Bertrand de la Chapelle.

Internet Policy Review
2013-04-11Time to Take Stock: Twelve Internet and Jurisdiction Trends in Retrospect
Article by Paul Fehlinger analyzing jurisdictional trends in Internet Governance based on empirical evidence.

Media Laws
2013-03-21Time to Take Stock: Twelve Internet and Jurisdiction Trends in Retrospect
Article by Paul Fehlinger analyzing jurisdictional trends in Internet Governance based on empirical evidence.

2013-03-07Time to Take Stock: Twelve Internet and Jurisdiction Trends in Retrospect
Article by Paul Fehlinger analyzing jurisdictional trends in Internet Governance based on empirical evidence.

TV5 Monde
2013-02-20Les réseaux sociaux, nouveaux terrains d’influence de la diplomatie
(Social networks, new area of diplomatic influence.) Article citing Bertrand de La Chapelle.

2012-12-04Sovereignty and the Geography of Cyberspace
Op-ed by Bertrand de La Chapelle, Director of the Internet & Jurisdiction.

Intellectual Property Watch
2012-11-19Post-Baku, Pre-WCIT Special Report: Internet Governance on a Shoestring
Article citing the IGF 2012 Workshop “What is the Geography of Cyberspace?” organized by Internet & Jurisdiction.

Intellectual Property Watch
2012-06-18EuroDIG: Will Governments Let Civil Society Rescue Net Governance?
Article citing the EuroDIG 2012 Workshop “Territoriality, Jurisdiction and Internet-related laws” organized by Internet & Jurisdiction.

BBC World Service
2012-04-20Bordered World: How Lines on a Map Shape Our Lives, Ideology, and Development
Interview with Bertrand de la Chapelle, Director of Internet & Jurisdiction.

Radio France Culture
2012-02-11L’internet est-il vraiment sans frontières?
(Is the Internet really borderless?) Invited Bertrand de La Chapelle for an interview.