The Global Conferences are important milestones in addressing one of the greatest global governance challenges of the 21st century: how to manage the coexistence of vastly diverse national laws in the digital society.

The Global Conferences of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network have been previously hosted by the Governments of France (2016), Canada (2018) and Germany (2019), and are institutionally supported by six international organizations: the Council of Europe, European Commission, ICANN, OECD, United Nations ECLAC and UNESCO.
The events and their outcomes receive significant international attention and have been presented in various international organizations and policy processes, such as the United Nations Internet Governance Forum, G7 or the G20.
The Global Conferences of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network have been covered in media outlets including The Economist, Financial Times, the Washington Post, and Politico.
3rd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network
Berlin, June 2019
Almost 300 key stakeholders from over 50 countries gathered in Berlin, Germany, for the 3rd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network on June 3-5, 2019.
Ahead of the Conference, the Operational Approaches documentswere released. Produced by the Network’s three Policy Programs, the documents contain Operational Norms, Operational Criteria and Operational Mechanisms. The resulting Berlin Roadmap contained Work Plans to structure further efforts until the 4th Global Conference.
2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network
Ottawa, February 2018
On February 26-28, 2018, over 200 senior-level participants from governments, major internet companies, technical operators, civil society, academia and international organizations from more than 40 countries met in Ottawa, Canada, for the2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network.
The resulting Ottawa Roadmap aligned stakeholders’ objectives towards policy coherence and joint action.
1st Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network
Paris, November 2016
The 1st Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network took place on November 14-16, 2016, in Paris, France. The event brought together over 200 key stakeholders from more than 40 countries. For the first time on a global level, senior representatives from governments, businesses, technical operators, civil society, academia, and international organizations addressed the future of jurisdiction on the cross-border Internet, highlighting the risk of a legal arms race resulting from the uncoordinated and unrestrained application of territoriality.
Reflecting the exchanges among stakeholders at the Conference, specific Framing Papers were developed by the Secretariat summarizing the discussions.This helped actors build a shared vernacular and identify key areas for cooperation.