[T]he group expressed their support for the continued multi-stakeholder work under the auspices of the Internet and Jurisdiction Policy Network
On April 24, 2018, the G7 Ise-Shima Cyber Group officially endorsed the work of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network in it's Chair's Report, which was welcomed in the G7 Foreign Ministers’ communiqué:
"Noting the obstacles to the investigation and prosecution resulting from cross-border evidence issues, the group expressed their support for the continued multi-stakeholder work under the auspices of the Internet and Jurisdiction Policy Network, including most recently the Ottawa Road Map that came out of the 2nd Global Conference on Internet and Jurisdiction held in Ottawa in February 2018."
In 2018, the G7 is held under the presidency of Canada, which was also the partner country for the 2nd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network on February 26-28, 2018.
You can read the Secretariat Summary and the Ottawa Roadmap of the 2nd Global Conference here.
The 3rd Global Conference of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network will take place on June 3-5, 2019, in Berlin, in partnership with the Federal Government of Germany.