Internet & Jurisdiction strives to catalyze the development of shared frameworks and operational solutions that will enable the legal interoperability and transnational due process the cross-border internet requires. Our methodology, based on five years of exchanges in I&J’s multistakeholder global dialogue process, is as follows:
- Generate common understanding among actors through problem framing
- Identify actionable areas that require specific cooperation efforts
- Develop concrete and implementable Policy Options through focused multistakeholder processes
- Catalyze operational solutions that translate into collective action

From Areas of Cooperation to Policy Options
Last year, participants at the 2016 Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference worked collectively to consolidate the broad range of issues related to jurisdiction on the internet and identify more manageable areas for cooperation for each of the conference's three workstreams on Data, Content, and Domains.
Based on the outcomes of the 2016 GIJC, multistakeholder Contact Groups involving a diverse range of the entities and individuals most engaged in the issues at hand have been established to determine what can realistically and pragmatically be achieved within each area for cooperation. The resulting Policy Options were diligently mapped and summarized to create focus and provide clear avenues for further cooperation among participants in the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network. These Policy Options Documents were released in November 2017 and serve as official input for the 2018 Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference.
Find additional information about the Contact Groups and the issues they are addressing by visiting Internet & Jurisdiction's program pages, or by following the links below:
- DATA & JURISDICTION: Contact Group | Framing Paper | Policy Options Document
- CONTENT & JURISDICTION: Contact Group | Framing Paper | Policy Options Document
- DOMAINS & JURISDICTION: Contact Group | Framing Paper | Policy Options Document