Sep 2017
I&J Executive Director Participates in Finalization of Council of Europe Draft Recommendation on Intermediaries
I&J contributed
September 20, 2017
In his role as appointed Member of the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Intermediary Liability, Internet & Jurisdiction’s Executive Director Bertrand de La Chapelle participated on September 18-19, 2017 in the finalization of the drafting of the recommendation by the Committee of Ministers on the roles and responsibilities of Internet intermediaries in Strasbourg, France.
The final draft recommendation is expected to be presented for approval to the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society at its 13th plenary meeting in December 2017.
The Committee of experts on internet intermediaries (MSI-NET), to which Bertrand de La Chapelle was appointed by Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland in March 2016, is composed of 13 experts, comprising seven government representatives and six independent experts.

Picture of the second MSI-INT Meeting by the Council of Europe
In his role as appointed Member of the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Intermediary Liability, Internet & Jurisdiction’s Executive Director Bertrand de La Chapelle participated on September 18-19, 2017 in the finalization of the drafting of the recommendation by the Committee of Ministers on the roles and responsibilities of Internet intermediaries in Strasbourg, France.
The final draft recommendation is expected to be presented for approval to the Steering Committee on Media and Information Society at its 13th plenary meeting in December 2017.
The Committee of experts on internet intermediaries (MSI-NET), to which Bertrand de La Chapelle was appointed by Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland in March 2016, is composed of 13 experts, comprising seven government representatives and six independent experts.

Picture of the second MSI-INT Meeting by the Council of Europe