Nov 2016
2016 Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference
I&J convened
November 14, 2016
The global multistakeholder policy network Internet & Jurisdiction held the first Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference on November 14-16, 2016 in Paris, France. The event brought together over 200 key stakeholders from more than 40 countries. For the first time on a global level, senior representatives from governments, businesses, technical operators, civil society, academia, and international organizations specifically addressed the future of jurisdiction on the cross-border Internet.

Photos from the Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference
Additional information about the event can be found on the dedicated Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference website.

The Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference website
Jurisdiction on the Internet has become a core concern at the intersection of human rights, the global digital economy and security. Discussions and reform initiatives addressing this issue have emerged around the world in recent years, involving numerous policy silos and a multiplicity of actors.
Enabling Multistakeholder Cooperation
The Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference gathered key representatives from states, Internet platforms, technical operators, civil society, academia and international organizations on an equal footing to address the issue of jurisdiction online.
The goal of the Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference was to enable transnational cooperation and catalyze operational solutions. It was prepared through a series of reports and international meetings throughout 2016, and was structured around three Workstreams:
Internet & Jurisdiction is grateful to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs for having provided its Ministerial Conference Center as the venue for the inaugural Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference.
Institutional Supporters for the GIJC

The institutional sponsors for the 2016 GIJC are the OECD, the Council of Europe, UNESCO, the European Commission, ICANN, and the Slovak Presidency of the EU.
Members of the GIJC Advisory Group
Anne Carblanc
Head, Digital Economy Policy DivisionOECD
Benedicto Fonseca Filho
Director, Scientific and Technological AffairsMinistry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil
Carlos Affonso Souza
DirectorInstitute for Technology and Society Rio
Chinmayi Arun
Executive Director, Centre for Communication GovernanceNational Law University, Delhi
David Kaye
UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and ExpressionUnited Nations
Eileen Donahoe
Director of Global AffairsHuman Rights Watch
FIona Alexander
Associate Administrator for International AffairsUnited States, Department of Commerce NTIA
George Sadowsky
Board MemberICANN
Gulshan Rai
National Cybersecurity CoordinatorIndia, Prime Minister’s Office
John Frank
Vice President, EU Government AffairsMicrosoft
Madan Oberoi
Director of Cyber Innovation and Outreach DirectorateInterpol
Matt Perault
Head of Policy DevelopmentMegan Richards
Principal Advisor, DG ConnectEuropean Commission
Nii Quaynor
ChairmanGhana National Information Technology Agency
Sally Shipman Wentworth
Vice President of Global Policy DevelopmentInternet Society
Sunil Abraham
VP, Leadership ProgramsMozilla Foundation
Vint Cerf
Vice President and Chief Internet EvangelistMembers of the GIJC Advisory Group serve in their individual capacity.
The global multistakeholder policy network Internet & Jurisdiction held the first Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference on November 14-16, 2016 in Paris, France. The event brought together over 200 key stakeholders from more than 40 countries. For the first time on a global level, senior representatives from governments, businesses, technical operators, civil society, academia, and international organizations specifically addressed the future of jurisdiction on the cross-border Internet.

Photos from the Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference
Additional information about the event can be found on the dedicated Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference website.

The Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference website
Jurisdiction on the Internet has become a core concern at the intersection of human rights, the global digital economy and security. Discussions and reform initiatives addressing this issue have emerged around the world in recent years, involving numerous policy silos and a multiplicity of actors.
Enabling Multistakeholder Cooperation
The Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference gathered key representatives from states, Internet platforms, technical operators, civil society, academia and international organizations on an equal footing to address the issue of jurisdiction online.
The goal of the Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference was to enable transnational cooperation and catalyze operational solutions. It was prepared through a series of reports and international meetings throughout 2016, and was structured around three Workstreams:
Internet & Jurisdiction is grateful to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs for having provided its Ministerial Conference Center as the venue for the inaugural Global Internet and Jurisdiction Conference.
Institutional Supporters for the GIJC

The institutional sponsors for the 2016 GIJC are the OECD, the Council of Europe, UNESCO, the European Commission, ICANN, and the Slovak Presidency of the EU.
Members of the GIJC Advisory Group
Anne Carblanc
Head, Digital Economy Policy DivisionOECD
Benedicto Fonseca Filho
Director, Scientific and Technological AffairsMinistry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil
Carlos Affonso Souza
DirectorInstitute for Technology and Society Rio
Chinmayi Arun
Executive Director, Centre for Communication GovernanceNational Law University, Delhi
David Kaye
UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and ExpressionUnited Nations
Eileen Donahoe
Director of Global AffairsHuman Rights Watch
FIona Alexander
Associate Administrator for International AffairsUnited States, Department of Commerce NTIA
George Sadowsky
Board MemberICANN
Gulshan Rai
National Cybersecurity CoordinatorIndia, Prime Minister’s Office
John Frank
Vice President, EU Government AffairsMicrosoft
Madan Oberoi
Director of Cyber Innovation and Outreach DirectorateInterpol
Matt Perault
Head of Policy DevelopmentMegan Richards
Principal Advisor, DG ConnectEuropean Commission
Nii Quaynor
ChairmanGhana National Information Technology Agency
Sally Shipman Wentworth
Vice President of Global Policy DevelopmentInternet Society
Sunil Abraham
VP, Leadership ProgramsMozilla Foundation
Vint Cerf
Vice President and Chief Internet EvangelistMembers of the GIJC Advisory Group serve in their individual capacity.