Oct 2015
2015 Meeting of the Global Multistakeholder Policy Network
I&J convened
October 9, 2015
Towards Transnational Due Process Frameworks
Internet & Jurisdiction convened a meeting of the global multistakeholder policy network on October 8-9, 2015 in Berlin, Germany. The meeting gathered key actors from states, Internet companies, technical operators, civil society, academia, and international organizations to address the tension between the cross-border nature of the Internet and geographically defined national jurisdictions.

Sunil Abraham from the Center for Internet and Society takes center stage.
Internet & Jurisdiction provides a neutral platform for states, business, civil society, and international organizations to discuss the elaboration of a transnational due process framework to handle the digital coexistence of diverse national laws in shared cross-border online spaces. This pioneering multistakeholder cooperation effort seeks to develop a “policy standard” for transnational requests for domain seizures, content takedowns, and access to user data.

Wolfgang Kleinwächter from the University of Aarhus makes a point while Eileen Donahoe, Director of Global Affairs at Human Rights Watch, looks on.
2015 is an important moment that determines the future of the multistakeholder model in global Internet Governance. Internet & Jurisdiction hopes to provide an opportunity to demonstrate that multistakeholder cooperation can produce operational solutions to concrete policy challenges that no stakeholder group can solve on its own.
Désirée Miloshevic
Senior Advisor of International Affairs and Public PolicyAfilias
Philipp ensee
Chairman of the Board of DirectorsAfilias
Michele Neylon
CEOBlacknight Internet Solutions
Albert Chang
Corporate CounselCanadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA)
Aaron Shull
Chief of Staff and General CounselCenter for International Governance Innovation
Sunil Abraham
VP, Leadership ProgramsMozilla Foundation
Agnes Callamard
DirectorColumbia University Global Freedom of Expression
Maciej Tomaszewski
Policy OfficeEuropean Commission, DG CONNECT
Matt Perault
Head of Policy DevelopmentGail Kent
Global Public Policy ManagerMarília Maciel
Digital Policy Senior ResearcherDiploFoundation
Eric Freyssinet
Chief Digital Strategy OfficerFrance, Ministry of the Interior
Sibylla Bendig
German Federal Foreign Office
Sandro Gianella
Public Policy ManagerCarola Rienth
ParalegalDalia Topelson Ritvo
Assistant Director, Cyberlaw ClinicHarvard Berkman Center
Eileen Donahoe
Director of Global AffairsHuman Rights Watch
Wolfgang Kleinwächter
University of Aarhus
Malcolm Hutty
Head of Public AffairsLondon Internet Exchange (LINX)
Amy Hogan-Burney
Senior AttorneyMicrosoft
Alex Yap
Director of LENS Global OperationsMicrosoft
Anne Carblanc
Head, Digital Economy Policy DivisionOECD
Jeremy West
Senior Policy AnalystOECD
Dunja Mijatovic
Representative on Freedom of the MediaOSCE
Joan Barata Mir
Principal Adviser to the Representative on Freedom of the MediaOSCE
Maja Rakovic
Chair, Steering Committee on Media and Information society (CDMSI)Council of Europe
Daphne Keller
Director of Intermediary LiabilityStanford Law School, Center for Internet and Society
María Reyes Fernandez
Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism
Frédéric Riehl
Deputy DirectorSwiss Federal Office for Communications
Sinead McSweeney
Senior Director, Public Policy and Communications EMEACaroline Hammarberg
Associate Expert, Communication and Information Sector (CI)UNESCO
Jonah Force Hill
Internet Policy SpecialistUS Department of Commerce, NTIA
Richard Leaning
External Relations ConsultantRIPE NCC
Farzaneh Badii
Associate ResearcherHumboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)

Towards Transnational Due Process Frameworks
Internet & Jurisdiction convened a meeting of the global multistakeholder policy network on October 8-9, 2015 in Berlin, Germany. The meeting gathered key actors from states, Internet companies, technical operators, civil society, academia, and international organizations to address the tension between the cross-border nature of the Internet and geographically defined national jurisdictions.

Sunil Abraham from the Center for Internet and Society takes center stage.
Internet & Jurisdiction provides a neutral platform for states, business, civil society, and international organizations to discuss the elaboration of a transnational due process framework to handle the digital coexistence of diverse national laws in shared cross-border online spaces. This pioneering multistakeholder cooperation effort seeks to develop a “policy standard” for transnational requests for domain seizures, content takedowns, and access to user data.

Wolfgang Kleinwächter from the University of Aarhus makes a point while Eileen Donahoe, Director of Global Affairs at Human Rights Watch, looks on.
2015 is an important moment that determines the future of the multistakeholder model in global Internet Governance. Internet & Jurisdiction hopes to provide an opportunity to demonstrate that multistakeholder cooperation can produce operational solutions to concrete policy challenges that no stakeholder group can solve on its own.
Désirée Miloshevic
Senior Advisor of International Affairs and Public PolicyAfilias
Philipp ensee
Chairman of the Board of DirectorsAfilias
Michele Neylon
CEOBlacknight Internet Solutions
Albert Chang
Corporate CounselCanadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA)
Aaron Shull
Chief of Staff and General CounselCenter for International Governance Innovation
Sunil Abraham
VP, Leadership ProgramsMozilla Foundation
Agnes Callamard
DirectorColumbia University Global Freedom of Expression
Maciej Tomaszewski
Policy OfficeEuropean Commission, DG CONNECT
Matt Perault
Head of Policy DevelopmentGail Kent
Global Public Policy ManagerMarília Maciel
Digital Policy Senior ResearcherDiploFoundation
Eric Freyssinet
Chief Digital Strategy OfficerFrance, Ministry of the Interior
Sibylla Bendig
German Federal Foreign Office
Sandro Gianella
Public Policy ManagerCarola Rienth
ParalegalDalia Topelson Ritvo
Assistant Director, Cyberlaw ClinicHarvard Berkman Center
Eileen Donahoe
Director of Global AffairsHuman Rights Watch
Wolfgang Kleinwächter
University of Aarhus
Malcolm Hutty
Head of Public AffairsLondon Internet Exchange (LINX)
Amy Hogan-Burney
Senior AttorneyMicrosoft
Alex Yap
Director of LENS Global OperationsMicrosoft
Anne Carblanc
Head, Digital Economy Policy DivisionOECD
Jeremy West
Senior Policy AnalystOECD
Dunja Mijatovic
Representative on Freedom of the MediaOSCE
Joan Barata Mir
Principal Adviser to the Representative on Freedom of the MediaOSCE
Maja Rakovic
Chair, Steering Committee on Media and Information society (CDMSI)Council of Europe
Daphne Keller
Director of Intermediary LiabilityStanford Law School, Center for Internet and Society
María Reyes Fernandez
Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism
Frédéric Riehl
Deputy DirectorSwiss Federal Office for Communications
Sinead McSweeney
Senior Director, Public Policy and Communications EMEACaroline Hammarberg
Associate Expert, Communication and Information Sector (CI)UNESCO
Jonah Force Hill
Internet Policy SpecialistUS Department of Commerce, NTIA
Richard Leaning
External Relations ConsultantRIPE NCC
Farzaneh Badii
Associate ResearcherHumboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)